Are you tired of chasing your dreams? Are you looking for an opportunity that will provide you a sense of fulfillment? Has the frustration of being over-worked, under-paid and grossly under-appreciated gotten you the point where you sense there is no light at the end of the proverbial tunnel? Well then perhaps it’s time to explore what’s out there.

I’m always looking for individuals who are motivated to change their current circumstances. There are no pity parties here. Every day that you are blessed with waking up in the morning and with the ability to get out of bed, you have the ability to change your life’s course and more importantly the life of others.

I once heard this saying from a team member. I will attempt to paraphrase as best as I can. “If you are not actively helping pave your own way through this life, then you are a burden on someone else”. That statement really made me think about my situation and circumstance. I mean, think about that. If are not the one actively trying to help yourself, then someone else is forced to do it for you. Do you want to be a burden on someone else? Don’t get me wrong, I feel that I’m extremely fortunate. I will not mislead you into thinking that my life has been filled with obstacles. I’ve had my setbacks, but I wouldn’t classify them as out of the ordinary. But that statement mentioned above really forced me to take inventory, grade my current status and make the necessary changes in order to achieve what I feel is still yet to come.

In order to change, that change must first start from within. I decided that I wanted more out of life. In order for that to happen, I needed to change some of my habits. I say some, because in some aspects of my life I was OK, but in others not so much.

So now, as I stated above, I’m looking for individuals just like me. Willing to make a change. Seeking for more out of life. Wanting to learn and continue to challenge oneself and those around you. Willing to help other because they could use the help and it’s the right thing to do!

This sound like you? Then reach out and let’s see where we can go and how many more people we can help together as a team! Email me directly at Louis@louisromero.com. I really would love to meet you!

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