It’s a New Year; What’s going to change?

The celebratory New Year is always accompanied by the time honored tradition of the New Year’s resolution. Everyone is always so excited and determined that this is the year I’m going to loose weight, exercise more, saving more money, change jobs or start a 2nd career for additional income, stop drinking and/or smoking, spend more time with the family, etc… Everyone always is so convinced on New Year’s eve. And then January starts and it’s much like all of the January’s that preceded this one. So what happens to all that enthusiasm?  It can’t all be blamed on liquid courage, right???

The truth is that making personal changes requires time, energy and effort. It isn’t easy admitting to yourself that things can and need to be better. Looking at the image in the mirror and taking responsibility and accountability for what you see is HARD. The only person that can truly motivate you to change is YOU!! The good thing is, every day presents a new opportunity to do just that…change.

The first step in your personal evolution is to decide what you really want. Everybody can rattle off what they don’t want. I don’t want to go to work, or drive this car, or live here, or be stuck in a dead end job, or be stressed out 24/7. But what do you really want? Clearly defining the end game can greatly impact whether or not you will reach the finish line. Once you decide on the goal, then you need to commit. And I’m not talking about a part-time commitment. You have to be all in or your results will mirror your part-time commitment level.

Now, let’s talk about what a vast majority of people always resolute to change on New Year’s; I’m going to make more money. First, you must realize that money is tool, not the end game. Everyone always thinks that if I make more money, all my problems will be solved. Unfortunately, that is rarely the case. Example: When you were in college or shortly after with your first career oriented job and you were making X amount of money annually, you got by but you still had the dream of having more income. As you got older, your income increased, but so did your expenses. So, if you really look at this example, more money doesn’t necessarily correlate with what your really desire which is FREEDOM!

Money is the tool that can lead you to freedom from work, time restraints, travel restraints, etc… Knowing how to keep more of the money you are currently making is the baby step necessary to truly take advantage when the day comes that there is more money coming in than is needed to cover the monthly expenses.

Well you are luck today if your ready this post. The company I represent can be defined as a “Personal Development Program with a potential high back-end compensation opportunity. If you are willing to change. If you are willing to commit to better yourself, your outlook on life, your current circumstance, then this just might be the opportunity you have been looking for all along. It requires no major monetary investment, no special skill or extensive prior knowledge. It does require for you to be motivated to change. If this sounds like you, then contact me and we can discuss if this opportunity is right for you. Email me at

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Sound interesting? What do have to loose? Contact me directly via email at There are no strings or commitments. Conversation is free.

So I ask again, it a New Year; What’s going to change?  

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