Why the Time is NOW!

Had the opportunity to listen to a special guest on our Tuesday Night Mentorship session a few weeks back. The guest speaker is a half a million dollar earner. Amongst the vast amount of nuggets he shared with the group, one thing stuck to me more than anything else. In his account of where he started and what has led him to this point, he said something that was so on point. I’m paraphrasing, but the gist of it was this. “Everyone one has either gone through something, is going through something or is about to go through something”. Isn’t that life in a nutshell. We all tend to get caught up in “us”. Like no one else on the plant is going through a tough season in life like we are in the current moment.

This man, had both emotional and financial troubles, however, you wouldn’t be able to even remotely think he had. Always a smile on his face and bringing a ton of positive energy that night as well as the other times he has been invited to speak and share with our group. If you haven’t had the opportunity to jump on out Tuesday Night Mentorship session, I highly recommend you join us. After dealing with the 9-5 grind, it’s always a very enjoyable 1 hour on Tuesday nights listening to some very regular folks, who made a decision to change their lives and circumstances and are achieving their goals and dreams. Send me an email and I’ll provide you with the zoom link.

What is it “NOW” time for? What I’m referring too? Well how many times have you put off till tomorrow what you could have accomplished today? And, as soon as you procrastinated, things got even more complicated. Had you just handled things in the first place when you should have instead of procrastinating, things would have been SO much less complicated. Taking the comfortable road has it’s price.

Now, let’s bring this concept closer to my business. Let me share something with you that might be earth shattering. There is no perfect time to make a change. The time is NOW to start the nutrition plan. The time is NOW to start the side hustle. The time is NOW to start exercising. The time is NOW to start investing for your kids, your retirement and a better life. Everyone is busy. Everyone has the days filled with tasks to complete. Unless you are living underneath a bridge and unemployed, someone is relying on you. Well, stop using that as an excuse. I’ve seen this post on instagram 100 times. I’m sure you have too. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in the picture with the caption “You’re not to busy, you’re just uninspired!”. Truth hurts, doesn’t it.

If I told you everyday you would get a check in the mail for $100, all month, what would you do for that? Would you be willing to take a class for that check? Would you be willing to call a few folks every day for that check? Would you take a test and get licensed for that check? Would you be willing to be coached by high income earners for the check? What would you NOT be willing to do? That sometimes gets me some interesting answers. Bottom line is this, no there is no $100 check in the mail everyday unless you are willing to work, build and expand your horizons. Success is attainable, what price/time are you willing to put forth from your “busy” schedule? Dreams will never become a reality without a plan and taking action.

The time is NOW!

If you feel you are ready for new challenge/chapter in life. email me at Louis@louisromero.com.

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