987,368 – Sad, Tragic however Avoidable

This is a topic, that unfortunately more often that not, is a topic that gets brushed aside. The topic I’m referring to is that of income protection or as it’s more commonly known as life insurance. It never seizes to amaze me how we as a society will insure practically everything in our lives, except the most important commodity, ourselves. We spend hundreds of dollars on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annually basis on insurance for our cars, our homes, our phones, our appliances, etc… However, when it comes to the subject of life insurance, everyone is like no, I’m ok. Why is that?

The lack of urgency when it comes to the subject of life insurance I feel to a large degree is a result of lack of information. Unfortunately, the life insurance industry has done a magnificent job of overly complicating the subject while simultaneously taking advantage of the client for their own financial gain. The standard product line that most life insurance agents will push/sell is a convoluted product. Whole Life, Universal Life, Variable Life and now the newer version of the same inefficient product, Indexed Universal Life are great for the bottom line of the insurance company and selling agent, but extremely costly and don’t provide the sufficient coverage that the client truly needs. For a complete comparison breakdown of these types products as well as the product I strongly recommend, please visit my post titled “Life Insurance – Which one should I have”. Here’s a direct link: https://louisromero.com/life-insurance-which-one-should-i-have/

Now to the number in the title; 987,368. What is the significance of that figure. As of the writing of this post, April 7, 2021, the figure of 987,368 is the total number of Gofund me pages dedicated to funerals. 987,368. Almost 1 million post of people asking for financial assistance so they they lay to rest a loved one. This number is extremely tragic, sad and disappointing. In a day and age where we have access to so much information, how can this happen? Is it because we have access to too much information which leads us to an analysis paralysis? Do we feel invincible? (Can be the case especially for the young). Maybe our parents had one of the wrong life insurance products for mentioned and feel that it’s a scam? Or maybe you have a group insurance plan provided through your job and you think that’s enough. (PS: Work provided insurance is NEVER sufficient. That’s why it’s typically so inexpensive).

For whatever the reason, that number 987,368 is real. I’m here to tell you it can be avoided!! Life Insurance is NOT a complicated subject matter. It’s actually the complete opposite. The recommended product to cover the most precious commodity, YOU, works much like your home insurance or your car insurance. I can help guide you so you can obtain the right product, for the right coverage amount for an affordable premium. Sound good to be true? Try me! There are no hidden fees or upfront cost. If you have a policy in place, I’ll be happy to review it to ensure you are getting everything you think you should be getting. Perhaps I can save you money. Perhaps I cannot. Whatever the case, I will provide free education on the subject.

This sector of financial services which includes life insurance and it’s very important counterpart investments is my passion and crusade. I’m working endlessly, doing my part, to lower that 987,368 number. People should not have to resort to a Gofund me page to provide a proper burial for a loved one. If you feel as passionate as I do in this subject, I could use your help. I’m just one person. For more information on how you could join my crusade, please email me directly at louis@louisromero.com.

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